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    Data Views

    Query data views for up to six months of Marketing Cloud subscriber and journey information using Automation Studio. You compose the SQL statement that describes the query when you create a SQL Query activity. You can write the query against a data extension or the system’s data views. Tracking data displayed by clicking and opening is in Central Standard Time, does not observe Daylight Savings Time, and is rounded to the nearest second. NOTE When profile attributes are created in Enterprise 2.0 accounts, new columns are added to the _EnterpriseAttribute table. Data view queries in Enterprise 2.0 accounts can return results…

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    AttributeValue function

    This function returns the value of an attribute. This value is taken by the function from the data sources associated with the Contact or Subscriber to who the message is sent. Theses data sources can be: Email Subscriber Profile Attributes Sendable Data Extension Fields Journey Builder Entry Source Attributes MobileConnect List Attributes MobilePush Attributes Note: This function will return null if the attribute is not available in the data source Syntax  The AttributeValue() function has one parameter: x (data type= string): The name of the attribute to return the value of is x with string as a data type, this one parameter is required. Usage …

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    Concat function

    This function concatenates one or more attributes which have string as a data type. With this Contact function we can concatenate as many attributes as necessary. Syntax Concat (string1, string2, [string3], …) The Concat() function has two parameters at least: string1 (string): Required. A string of text. string2 (string): Required. Usage  This function requires two strings in minimum. Strings are concatenated sequentially. This function creates a full name from a first, middle, and last name. You must explicitly include space characters in the function to incorporate spaces between strings. %%[ Var @firstName, @middleName, @lastName, @fullName Set @firstName = “Kjell” Set @middleName = “Jakob” Set…

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    Filtered Data Extension automatically refresh via REST API

    So, in the past, the only way you could refresh a filtered Data Extension was utilizing the Filter Activity (in Automation Studio) or via the UI, performing a manual refresh. Now admittedly this is not too bad of a hurdle, but it does not help if you already built out the filter inside the UI or otherwise outside of a Filter Activity. Surprisingly, there is a public facing, undocumented endpoint that will let you refresh your filtered Data Extensions with the Object ID. First you need to collect the ObjectID of your Filtered DE via a REST endpoint: GET /data/v1/customobjectdata/key/{{yourFilteredDEKey}}/rowset?$pageSize=1…

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    Segmentation methods within Salesforce Marketing Cloud

    The segmentation features of a marketing automation software are crucial for marketers sending email, text, push messaging, or targeted adverts. Likewise, how easy it will be for platform users to construct their own parts. Today I’ll discuss Salesforce Marketing Cloud’s filtering possibilities and their advantages and downsides for contacts targeting. Queries and Data Filters are Marketing Cloud’s key filtering techniques. Each method has strengths and flaws and is powerful. Data Filters Marketing Cloud data filters let you create segments using a simple drag-and-drop interface. In the image above, I’ve dragged a field from my Data Extension on the left of…

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    SFMC – SetObjectProperty & Custom Profile Attribute

    Friends in the SFMC, I’d like to share some knowledge/findings from the SFMC platform that I came across while working on one of the use case using one of the most well-liked functions in SFMC that is primarily used in CloudPages, which is called “API Object Functions” under this “SetObjectProperty”. The SetObjectProperty() function is mostly used to set the properties to add to or update the Subscriber object through CloudPages based on various business logics. Additionally, we’ll discuss nuances of Custom Profile Attributes and how SFMC updates them. Before that let’s go through the use case which I was implementing and got into trouble with the SetObjectProperty and Custom Profile Attribute issue. USE CASE…

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    SFMC – Using SSJS, import notification results into an email as an alert.

    This is my first article in the SFMC domain, and my first experience working with SSJS, so I figured I’d write it and share my experience with a larger audience who are still trying/writing their first SSJS code, as well as those who are already a SME in this area and could help me make this post more accessible to more people and improve if I’ve missed anything. So let’s get this party started! Use Case – So, I just received a request from a client who needed an automated notice alert sent to their email whenever a file was…

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    5 Things You Didn’t Know Salesforce Marketing Cloud Could Do

    Whether you’re a Salesforce Marketing Cloud newbie or an advanced user, it’s surprising how often you might encounter a feature you’d never seen before that will enhance and safeguard your use of Marketing Cloud. I will highlight a few of those features that could help you find even more Marketing Cloud ROI. This first article in the series will focus on features related to email testing and deployment. 1. Change links within an email AFTER an email has been sent So you’ve sent an email out to your entire subscriber base. Even after testing your email thoroughly, you somehow missed…

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    5 More Things You Didn’t Know Marketing Cloud Could Do

    Marketing Cloud is packed full of extremely useful features to help you be more efficient, improve your business processes and better communicate with your contacts. With so many features, some of these might get overlooked. I’m here to share 5 more features you might not have known existed in Marketing Cloud.  1. Turn off Email Autosave   One feature I greatly appreciated from a past Marketing Cloud product release is autosave in Content Builder. Before Autosave existed, you could be crafting your perfect email, accidentally hit the back button or close out your browser window and lose all of the work since…

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    Unlocking the Potential of TikTok Lead Capture Ads in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

    Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, TikTok has emerged as a powerhouse for engaging content and reaching diverse audiences. Harnessing the power of TikTok Lead Capture Ads within Salesforce Marketing Cloud has become essential for staying at the forefront of innovative marketing strategies. In this article, we’ll explore the seamless integration process, from installing the TikTok plugin to connecting it with Marketing Cloud and creating dynamic lead capture forms. Step 1: AppExchange Exploration Embark on this journey by navigating to AppExchange and searching for the TikTok lead ads integration. Click on the tile and proceed to the TikTok…