• Administer Marketing Cloud - Développement pour Marketing Cloud

    Understand Contacts and Contact Model Relationships / Découverte des contacts et des relations de modèle de contact

    Learning Objectives / Objectifs de formation After completing this unit, you’ll be able to: / Une fois cette unité terminée, vous pourrez : Describe how Contact Builder works with other Marketing Cloud applications. / Décrire la manière dont Contact Builder fonctionne avec d’autres applications Marketing Cloud.  Navigate through a contact record and identify the channels a contact subscribed to. / Parcourir un enregistrement de contact et identifier les canaux auxquels un contact s’est abonné Explain the difference between contact and a subscriber. / Expliquer la différence entre un contact et un abonné                 …

  • Administer Marketing Cloud - Développement pour Marketing Cloud

    Salesforce mobile studio

    Stay connected with the brand you like!   Thanks to Salesforce Mobile Studio Mobile marketing allows us to stay in touch with our customers wherever they are on the globe through the internet. With Salesforce Mobile Studio through its three applications MobilePush, GroupConnect, and MobileConnect you can communicate with your customers at the right moment, with a personalized message. If for instance, the weather is bad, you can take care of your customers on the spot and propose them an adapted product, here, an umbrella. Some use of mobile studio MobilePush: using a mobile app, you can push notifications or alerts to your customers Example: my brother loves…

  • Administer Marketing Cloud - Développement pour Marketing Cloud

    Sms Campaigns with mobile connect

    Let’s talk with our customers where they are! Indeed, mobile connect is a salesforce marketing cloud app, in which we can create, send, receive and track mobile messages. Here is a set of type of campaigns that we can set up for successful communication: Email opt-in: Subscribers can join your email list by sending a keyword and their email address to your short code. This is usually a one-time text-message interaction: once you have the subscriber’s email address, you send him or her emails rather than SMS/MMS. Info capture: This kind of campaign is similar to an email opt-in campaign, but you can…