
Edit an Entry Source

By Published On: February 4th, 2024Categories: Journey Builder

After configuring an entry source, you can update or review its settings before activation.

However, after activation, you can only check the entry source settings, rather than edit it.

To change or modify an active entry source, create a new version of the journey and edit it from this new journey version that you have just created.

Delete an entry source.

You cannot change the object that a Salesforce entry source uses to determine who enters the journey. To select a different object in a Salesforce Data, Campaign, or Experience entry source, delete and recreate it.

Important Remarks

DO NOT alter an active journey’s data extension entry source. Journeys use a snapshot of the entry source data extension when activated. The running journey doesn’t recognise post-activation fields –additional journeys should be created to contain updated entry source data extensions if additional fields are needed. For instance, you can include a field for journey message personalisation.

How to edit an Entry Source?

1- Hover over the entry source or its schedule in a draft journey.

2- Select the entry source or schedule.

3- Click Back to return to the step that you wish to revise or view.

4- Save the modified entry’s source and journey.

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