
Creating Gift Voucher with Salesforce Marketing Cloud

By Published On: February 18th, 2019Categories: Features Marketing Cloud

Do you know the British clothing brand Boden? Well, I was a fan during 2 years and of course, I received tons of emails in that time.

 This weekend, I was sorting my mailbox and I saw this email below

Then one question comes in my mind: how to create this e-mail with Salesforce Marketing cloud? Let’s look at this together …

 1) Create a non sendable data extension named

“ CouponCode_DE”

2) Create a list of coupon codes  like the ones below and save them in a  CSV file

3)  Then you can import the coupon codes in the “ CouponCode_DE” data extension

To do that, return to your data extension and click on the “import” button.

4) For this last step in Email studio, add this AMPScript to your e-mail.


Then you will be able to send the promotion email by using your “Master_Customers” data extension to attribute a coupon code to each customer who are eligible to receive this promotion.

By the way, you can follow #Boden :)

Some pieces of the new collection here :)

See you soon with a new post!


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