Dynamic content

To build a dynamic content block that renders the correct content based on gender, you can follow these steps in Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC): Data Extension: Ensure that you have a data extension or a data source that contains the subscriber data, including the gender attribute. The gender attribute should have distinct values such as “Male” and “Female” for each subscriber. Personalization Strings: Use personalization strings or AMPscript to fetch the subscriber’s gender attribute from the data extension. Personalization strings are typically used in HTML-based emails, while AMPscript can be used in both HTML and text-based emails. For example, to retrieve the gender attribute using personalization strings, you can use %%gender%% within your email content. Alternatively, using AMPscript, you can use the RetrieveSalesforceObjects or Lookup functions to fetch the gender attribute from the data extension. Here’s an example using RetrieveSalesforceObjects function: html Copy code %%[ var @gender set @gender = Lookup(“YourDataExtensionName”, “Gender”, “SubscriberKey”, _subscriberkey) ]%% Gender: %%=v(@gender)=%% Conditional Statements: Use conditional statements in your email content or AMPscript to determine the gender and render the appropriate content based on the gender value. For example, within your email content, you can use the IF statement to conditionally display content based on the gender: html Copy code %%[ IF @gender == “Male” THEN ]%% <p>Dear Sir,</p> <p>This content is specifically tailored for male subscribers.</p> %%[ ELSE ]%% <p>Dear Madam,</p> <p>This content is specifically tailored for female subscribers.</p> %%[ ENDIF ]%% Alternatively, you can use AMPscript conditional statements to dynamically assign different content values to a variable, which can then be inserted into the email content: html Copy code %%[ var @content if @gender == “Male” then set @content = “This content is specifically tailored for male subscribers.” else set @content = “This content is specifically tailored for female subscribers.” endif ]%% <p>Dear Subscriber,</p> <p>%%=v(@content)=%%</p> By using personalization strings, AMPscript, and conditional statements, you can dynamically fetch the subscriber’s gender attribute from the data extension and render the appropriate content based on the gender value. This allows for more personalized and relevant messaging in your emails.