Concat function

This function concatenates one or more attributes which have string as a data type. With this Contact function we can concatenate as many attributes as necessary. Syntax Concat (string1, string2, [string3], …) The Concat() function has two parameters at least: string1 (string): Required. A string of text. string2 (string): Required. Usage  This function requires two strings in minimum. Strings are concatenated sequentially. This function creates a full name from a first, middle, and last name. You must explicitly include space characters in the function to incorporate spaces between strings. %%[ Var @firstName, @middleName, @lastName, @fullName Set @firstName = “Kjell” Set @middleName = “Jakob” Set @lastName = “Larssen” Set @fullName = Concat(@firstName, ” “, @middleName, ” “, @lastName) ]%% <p>Full name: %%=v(@fullName)=%%</p> The function outputs the full name. Full name: Kjell Jakob Larssen Example 1 %%[ VAR @fullName SET @fullName = Concat(AttributeValue(“FirstName”), ” “, AttributeValue(“LastName”)) ]%% Hello %%=v(@fullName)=%% The AttributeValue function is used to retrieve the subscriber’s FirstName, LastName from a sendable data extension Example 2 %%[ var @firstNamevar @lastNamevar @fullName set @firstName = AttributeValue(“firstName”) /* value from attribute or DE column in send context / set @firstName = “Cornelia” / or a literal value */ set @lastName = AttributeValue(“lastName”) /* value from attribute or DE column in send context / set @lastName = “Balma” / or a literal value */ set @fullName = Concat(@firstName, ” “, @lastName) ]%%firstName: %%=v(@firstName)=%% lastName: %%=v(@lastName)=%% fullName: %%=v(@fullName)=%% Output