• Journey Builder

    Entry date and Exit date within Welcome Journey.

    Use Case: Marketing Cloud user would like to retarget one or several contacts who entered or exited any or welcome Journey at a specific time. Solution: We’ll use the Update Contact activity in the Welcome journey or any other journey. Create two Data Extensions Journey_Builder_Status Data Extension The Update Contact activity writes in this Data Extension. Journey_Builder _Status Data Extension is linked to the Master­_Customer Data Extension and SubscribeyKey is mapped to Customer_Id in Contact Builder within a One-to-One relationship. Here is an example of a welcome journey. Update Contact settings to track which contacts are entered in the Journey:…

  • SQL

    Eligible Customers

    Reiss Company is planning a promotion for customers who have spent less than £200 in a month. Before finalizing the offer, the marketing team wants to determine the number of customers who match this criteria. Create the target data extension Data Extension Details: Master Customer Name Data Type Length Primary Key Nullable id Text 50 Yes email EmailAddress 254 TRUE first_name Text 50 TRUE last_name Text 50 TRUE Total_spend_month Decimal 18,2 FALSE SQL query activity SELECT COUNT(id) AS eligible_customers FROM [Master Customer] WHERE Total_spend_month < 200 Explanation SELECT: This clause point out which columns you’d like to see in your target data…

  • SQL

    Identify clients who have not ordered a given product.

    Reiss Company has launched two 2 weeks ago a new dress called “Dalia”. The marketing team would like to notify all subscribers who haven’t yet buy Dalia dress yet. In order to get this list of contacts, we have to query the the master customer data extension . Create the target data extension Data Extension name: Master Customer Field names Data Type Length Primary Key Nullable id Text 50 Yes email EmailAddress 254 TRUE first_name Text 50 TRUE last_name Text 50 TRUE dress Text 50 FALSE SQL query activity SELECT email, first_name, last_name, dress FROM [Master Customer] WHERE dress != ‘Dalia’…

  • SQL

    Create your customer segment

    A Editor company would like to send out its weekly newsletter, and the marketing team requires create the customer list from their master customer, they wish to personalize their communication by using the first names and last names of their subscribers. As a member of the marketing team, you are responsible for creating the target data extension which will hold the data that will serve for personalization. Create the target data extension Data Extension Details: Master Customer Name Data Type Length Primary Key Nullable id Text 50 Yes email EmailAddress 254 TRUE first_name Text 50 TRUE last_name Text 50 TRUE SQL…

  • Journey Builder

    Edit an Entry Source

    After configuring an entry source, you can update or review its settings before activation. However, after activation, you can only check the entry source settings, rather than edit it. To change or modify an active entry source, create a new version of the journey and edit it from this new journey version that you have just created. Delete an entry source. You cannot change the object that a Salesforce entry source uses to determine who enters the journey. To select a different object in a Salesforce Data, Campaign, or Experience entry source, delete and recreate it. Important Remarks DO NOT…

  • Uncategorized

    Create a lead into Sales/Service Cloud through an Iframe from your website using AMPscript

    The aim of this article is to demonstrate you how to create a lead in Salesforce core when a lead or prospect fills out details from a landing page on your website. 1- Build the HTML form Let’s kick off by creating a simple HTML form. We will find below the code needed to build the HTML form. 2- Create a new lead By improving the code above we will be able to create a new lead into Salesforce. Note: You have to create your campaign in salesforce then use the Id into the code.

  • Uncategorized

    Data View: Automation Instance

    By monitoring automation health, you may get a broad picture perspective of all automations within your business unit and increase the efficiency and success rate of your automations. In Automation Studio, query the _AutomationInstance data view to prevent failures by identifying long-running processes and to solve failed automations by addressing the reason of failure. Create the Data extension first, which will hold the query output. Data extension columns NAME DESCRIPTION DATA EXTENSION DATA TYPE NULLABLE MemberID The unique ID of the business unit. Number AutomationName The automation name. Text AutomationDescription The automation description. Text X AutomationCustomerKey The unique ID of the automation. Text AutomationType The automation’s…

  • Uncategorized

    Data View: Bounce

    This Data View offers information on all bounced emails sent from your Marketing Cloud business unit. It can help you analyse and automate bounce-related actions. The data in the Bounce data view is available for bounces from the previous six months. You can query the data in the data view using an automation, the Query Studio, or an API. Data extension columns Field name Type Nullable Options Description AccountID Number No ID of the Business Unit. OYBAccountID Number Yes On-Your-Behalf ID of a related Business Unit. JobID Number No ID of the job that sent the email. ListID Number No…

  • Uncategorized

    Some encounters you wear forever…

    It may still be chilly outside, but your cosiest white shirt is there to comfort you over this weekend. For the girl team who like wearing a shirt to start the weekend and jumping into a nice non-sweet breakfast, like myself. Whichever look you desire to wear this weekend, there’s a shape to tell your story. Mine will be the “white shirt” blablablaa… Indeed, it is no longer a secret, as I am going to confess that I enjoy wearing white shirts over the weekend. So I have history with it, that I would like to share through this article.…

  • Uncategorized

    Brown is the new black!

    We all would like to feel comfortable in our clothes, as well as the colors we wear. As winter lingers and it is so freezing outside, wearing black can help us get through the day without feeling it. If you’re looking for a winter trouser, I recommend a brown one. It is very lovely to see brown used as a skirt or trouser; it is one of color that I adore. Could you see how the green and brown colors merge in the screenshot below? Now, there is something you must do before purchasing this type of hue. First, you’ll…